Ethereum PHP
PHP interface to Ethereum JSON-RPC API.
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1 {
2  "methods": {
3  "web3_clientVersion": [[], "S"],
4  "web3_sha3": [["S"], "D", 1],
5  "net_version": [[], "S"],
6  "net_peerCount": [[], "Q"],
7  "net_listening": [[], "B"],
8  "personal_sign": [["D20", "D", "S"], "D", 2],
9  "personal_ecRecover": [["D", "D"], "D20", 2],
10  "eth_protocolVersion": [[], "S"],
11  "eth_syncing": [[], "B|EthSyncing"],
12  "eth_coinbase": [[], "D20"],
13  "eth_mining": [[], "B"],
14  "eth_hashrate": [[], "Q"],
15  "eth_gasPrice": [[], "Q"],
16  "eth_accounts": [[], ["D20"]],
17  "eth_blockNumber": [[], "Q"],
18  "eth_getBalance": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, true],
19  "eth_getStorageAt": [["D20", "Q", "Q|T"], "D", 2, true],
20  "eth_getTransactionCount": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, true],
21  "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
22  "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": [["Q|T"], "Q", 1],
23  "eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
24  "eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber": [["Q"], "Q", 1],
25  "eth_getCode": [["D20", "Q|T"], "D", 1, true],
26  "eth_sign": [["D20", "D32"], "D", 2],
27  "eth_sendTransaction": [["SendTransaction"], "D", 1],
28  "eth_sendRawTransaction": [["D"], "D32", 1],
29  "eth_call": [["CallTransaction", "Q|T"], "D", 1, true],
30  "eth_estimateGas": [["EstimateTransaction", "Q|T"], "Q", 1],
31  "eth_getBlockByHash": [["D32", "B"], "Block", 2],
32  "eth_getBlockByNumber": [["Q|T", "B"], "Block", 2],
33  "eth_getTransactionByHash": [["D32"], "Transaction", 1],
34  "eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
35  "eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
36  "eth_getTransactionReceipt": [["D32"], "Receipt", 1],
37  "eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Block", 1],
38  "eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Block", 2],
39  "eth_getCompilers": [[], ["S"]],
40  "eth_compileLLL": [["S"], "D", 1],
41  "eth_compileSolidity": [["S"], "D", 1],
42  "eth_compileSerpent": [["S"], "D", 1],
43  "eth_newFilter": [["Filter"], "Q", 1],
44  "eth_newBlockFilter": [[], "Q"],
45  "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter": [[], "Q"],
46  "eth_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
47  "eth_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
48  "eth_getFilterLogs": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
49  "eth_getLogs": [["Filter"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
50  "eth_getWork": [[], ["D"]],
51  "eth_submitWork": [["D", "D32", "D32"], "B", 3],
52  "eth_submitHashrate": [["D", "D"], "B", 2],
53  "db_putString": [["S", "S", "S"], "B", 2],
54  "db_getString": [["S", "S"], "S", 2],
55  "db_putHex": [["S", "S", "D"], "B", 2],
56  "db_getHex": [["S", "S"], "D", 2],
57  "shh_post": [["SHHPost"], "B", 1],
58  "shh_version": [[], "S"],
59  "shh_newIdentity": [[], "D"],
60  "shh_hasIdentity": [["D"], "B"],
61  "shh_newGroup": [[], "D"],
62  "shh_addToGroup": [["D"], "B", 1],
63  "shh_newFilter": [["SHHFilter"], "Q", 1],
64  "shh_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
65  "shh_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1],
66  "shh_getMessages": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1]
67  },
68  "tags": ["latest", "earliest", "pending"],
69  "objects": {
70  "EthSyncing": {
71  "__required": [],
72  "startingBlock": "Q",
73  "currentBlock": "Q",
74  "highestBlock": "Q"
75  },
76  "SendTransaction": {
77  "__required": ["from", "data"],
78  "from": "D20",
79  "to": "D20",
80  "gas": "Q",
81  "gasPrice": "Q",
82  "value": "Q",
83  "data": "D",
84  "nonce": "Q"
85  },
86  "EstimateTransaction": {
87  "__required": [],
88  "from": "D20",
89  "to": "D20",
90  "gas": "Q",
91  "gasPrice": "Q",
92  "value": "Q",
93  "data": "D",
94  "nonce": "Q"
95  },
96  "CallTransaction": {
97  "__required": ["to"],
98  "from": "D20",
99  "to": "D20",
100  "gas": "Q",
101  "gasPrice": "Q",
102  "value": "Q",
103  "data": "D",
104  "nonce": "Q"
105  },
106  "Block": {
107  "__required": [],
108  "number": "Q",
109  "hash": "D32",
110  "parentHash": "D32",
111  "nonce": "D",
112  "sha3Uncles": "D",
113  "logsBloom": "D",
114  "transactionsRoot": "D",
115  "stateRoot": "D",
116  "receiptsRoot": "D",
117  "miner": "D",
118  "difficulty": "Q",
119  "totalDifficulty": "Q",
120  "extraData": "D",
121  "size": "Q",
122  "gasLimit": "Q",
123  "gasUsed": "Q",
124  "timestamp": "Q",
125  "transactions": ["DATA|Transaction"],
126  "uncles": ["D"]
127  },
128  "Transaction": {
129  "__required": [],
130  "hash": "D32",
131  "nonce": "Q",
132  "blockHash": "D32",
133  "blockNumber": "Q",
134  "transactionIndex": "Q",
135  "from": "D20",
136  "to": "D20",
137  "value": "Q",
138  "gasPrice": "Q",
139  "gas": "Q",
140  "input": "D"
141  },
142  "Receipt": {
143  "__required": [],
144  "transactionHash": "D32",
145  "transactionIndex": "Q",
146  "blockHash": "D32",
147  "blockNumber": "Q",
148  "cumulativeGasUsed": "Q",
149  "gasUsed": "Q",
150  "contractAddress": "D20",
151  "status": "Q",
152  "logs": ["FilterChange"]
153  },
154  "Filter": {
155  "__required": [],
156  "fromBlock": "Q|T",
157  "toBlock": "Q|T",
158  "address": "Array|DATA",
159  "topics": ["D"]
160  },
161  "FilterChange": {
162  "__required": [],
163  "removed": "B",
164  "logIndex": "Q",
165  "transactionIndex": "Q",
166  "transactionHash": "D32",
167  "blockHash": "D32",
168  "blockNumber": "Q",
169  "address": "D20",
170  "data": "Array|DATA",
171  "topics": ["D32"]
172  },
173  "SHHPost": {
174  "__required": ["topics", "payload", "priority", "ttl"],
175  "from": "D",
176  "to": "D",
177  "topics": ["D"],
178  "payload": "D",
179  "priority": "Q",
180  "ttl": "Q"
181  },
182  "SHHFilter": {
183  "__required": ["topics"],
184  "to": "D",
185  "topics": ["D"]
186  },
187  "SHHFilterChange": {
188  "__required": [],
189  "hash": "D",
190  "from": "D",
191  "to": "D",
192  "expiry": "Q",
193  "ttl": "Q",
194  "sent": "Q",
195  "topics": ["D"],
196  "payload": "D",
197  "workProved": "Q"
198  },
199  "SHHMessage": {
200  "__required": [],
201  "hash": "D",
202  "from": "D",
203  "to": "D",
204  "expiry": "Q",
205  "ttl": "Q",
206  "sent": "Q",
207  "topics": ["D"],
208  "payload": "D",
209  "workProved": "Q"
210  }
211  }
212 }