In order to keep this API up do date it is build schema based. (resources/ethjs-schema.json)
Ethereum JsonRPC Methods are on ethereum-schema->methods. Implemented in Ethereum class. Check out the Web3Interface.
To regenerate src/Web3Methods.php and src/Web3Interface.php run
Complex Data types are generated ethereum-schema->objects.
Currently these are:
To regenerate run
See phpunit.xml and tests/
Based on TestStatic.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite EthereumPhp
or a single test class
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter {FunctionSignatureTest}
You can us this library to test smart contracts in combination with truffle. This are tests based on TestEthClient.php
It requires a running Ethereum node, with the contracts deployed to. The following example uses Truffle and Ganache.
Smart contract test workflow
available and can call functions. See example.Prepare contract testing
You may define NETWORK_ID
to perform testing against multiple Ethereum clients.
The API documentation is auto-generated by doxygen.
There is a online version of this API documentation at
Doxygen script does some pre processing which requires GNU-sed on OSX brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
Many thanks to...
Ethereum-PHP library is part of the Drupal Ethereum Module.