Testing against Smart Contracts on a test-chain is not easy to share. Ethereum-PHP comes with some tooling in order to allow also to test against pre-made Transactions.
There are basically two cases
For the second case there is test-data delivered in the folder GanachClientDb.
Using Docker to share test Data
For testing I use a Docker based ganache-cli to start a local test-chain with pre-filled chain-data. In this setup the contracts are all ready deployed and some Transactions made where tests depend on.
Using the "blocks" in the folder GanacheClientDb as data source in *ganache-cli-docker-compose/***ganache_data** you could run also tests which require transactions to be run in advance.
This dataset corresponds with the Contract data provided in vendor/tests/TestEthClient/test_contracts/truffle.js
and the build vendor/tests/TestEthClient/test_contracts/build/contracts
You may use the following to get a ready test chain corresponding with this test setup.
With default docker IP settings you should be able to run all tests as defined in phpunit.xml
Currently only tests/TestEthClient/Unit/CallableEventsTest.php require transactions which are in this dataSet only, so you may exclude this tests when running a different Ethereum client.
See also